Cheynat Australian Shepherds
Australian Shepherd Breeder, Australian Shepherd Puppies, Ontario
Here you will find dogs that I have bred or owned that have had a big impact on who Cheynat is today. I truly thank each and every dog for being who they are as well as the breeders for allowing us the opportunity to be owned by these wonderful dogs.
Mythical I am Sam I am
(Thornapples Bad Habit X Mythical Blue Lite Special)
Faithworks Made in America
(Countrywoods on a Jazz Kick X Countrywoods Faithful Follower)
Ch. Cheynat's Songs of My Heart
(Mythical I am Sam I am X Claddagh's Shot Thru The Heart)

Encore's Maid Ya Smile RN
(Rockin K's Bustin Loose X Encore's Sure Maid For Me)
Ch. Cheynat's She's Everything AGN AGNJ RN CGN
(Mythical I am Sam I Am X Hearthside's Pedal Pushers)
Cheynat's Captured My Heart
(Brittmar's Capture the Castle x Wickstones Heart of Cheynat)

Hearthside's Pedal Pushers
(Hearthside City Slicker X Hearthside X Sizzle)
Abpopa's Mirror of Erised
(Buff Caps This is the Time X Starsky's Windsong of Aurora)
Cheynat's Made In Canada Eh
(Moorea's Black N Blue X Faithworks Made in America)

Cheynat's Repeat of the Heart RN
(Cheynats Wheat Field Runner X Cheynat Sister Mary Margarita)
Cheynat's UR My Venus UR My Fire RN
(Kirrabu\illi's Raisin a Ruckus X Hearthside Pedal Pushers)

Ch. Cheynat's Sinnfully Delicious
(Ch. marabil's Some Sin for Nuthin X Cheynat's Cookie CGN)

Ch. Cheynat's Hot to Trot
(Ch. Marabil's Some Sin for Nuthin X Ch. Cheynat's She's Everything)
Ch. Samilyn's Kilroy was Here
( Ch. Bayouland's Eternal Glory X Peppertree's Peppermint Twist

Samilyn's Perpetual Motion@Image
( Ch. Bayouland's Eternal Glory X Peppertree's Peppermint Twist

Ch. Cheynat Walkin a Thin Line
(Ch. Eweturn's Fortunate Discovery RN X Abpopa's Mirror of Erised)

Dreamstorie's Zoey
( Ch. Eweturn Airborne Discover Me x Ch. Marabil's some Sin For Nuthin)

Cheynat's Dangerously Delicious
( Ch. Bleuroyal Danger Zone x Ch. Cheynat's Sinnfully Delicious")