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(Ch. Marabil's Some Sin for Nuthin X Ch. Cheynat's She's Everything CGN AGNJ RN AGN)

OFA-hips excellent| Elbows normal | Cardiac normal

Patellas normal | Scissors Bite  | Eyes clear |  MDR1 M/N

Sizzle Championship.jpg

Sizzle Championship.jpg





Sizzle is the sweetest dog that I have known.  She loves to be in your lap and kissing your face.  She has done really well this past weekend garnering 9 of the 10 necessary points towards her Championship.  She also went Best of Breed and a group 4th beating specials.


NEWS FLASH.  Sizzle is a Champion, at the Guelph Show she went Winners Bitch at the first two shows to get her Championship. She then went on to get two group 2nds putting her in the top 5 Aussies in Canada at the end of April

Ch. Tri-Ivory Return of the King

Ch. Ivory Isles Meets the Criteria

Ch. Criterias Fly Me To the Moon

Ch. Melody's Buzz'n By

Ch. Melody's Taken By Surprise RS-n HT

Ch. Marabil's Back in Black

Ch. Marabil's Some Sin for Nuthin

Ch. Thornapple's Bad Habit

Mythical I am Sam I am

Mythical Blue Lite Special

Ch. Cheynat's She's Everything CGN AGNJ RN AGN


Hearthside Pedal Pushers

Ch. Hearthside City Slicker

Hearthside Sizzle

Leslie and Greg Edwards 

Vasey, Ontario,Canada

Site last updated Dec 30 2023

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Copyright 2014 Cheynat Australian Shepherds.  All Rights reserved.  Reproduction and/or distribution is expressly prohibited without written permissions

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