Cheynat Australian Shepherds
Australian Shepherd Breeder, Australian Shepherd Puppies, Ontario
(Ch. Marabil's Some Sin for Nuthin X Ch. Cheynat's She's Everything CGN AGNJ RN AGN)
OFA-hips excellent| Elbows normal | Cardiac normal
Patellas normal | Scissors Bite | Eyes clear | MDR1 M/N
![]() Sizzle Championship.jpg | ![]() Sizzle |
![]() Sizzle |
Sizzle is the sweetest dog that I have known. She loves to be in your lap and kissing your face. She has done really well this past weekend garnering 9 of the 10 necessary points towards her Championship. She also went Best of Breed and a group 4th beating specials.
NEWS FLASH. Sizzle is a Champion, at the Guelph Show she went Winners Bitch at the first two shows to get her Championship. She then went on to get two group 2nds putting her in the top 5 Aussies in Canada at the end of April

Ch. Tri-Ivory Return of the King
Ch. Ivory Isles Meets the Criteria

Ch. Criterias Fly Me To the Moon

Ch. Melody's Buzz'n By
Ch. Melody's Taken By Surprise RS-n HT
Ch. Marabil's Back in Black
Ch. Marabil's Some Sin for Nuthin
Ch. Thornapple's Bad Habit
Mythical I am Sam I am
Mythical Blue Lite Special
Ch. Cheynat's She's Everything CGN AGNJ RN AGN

Hearthside Pedal Pushers

Ch. Hearthside City Slicker

Hearthside Sizzle