Cheynat Australian Shepherds
Australian Shepherd Breeder, Australian Shepherd Puppies, Ontario

Cohen, aka Cheynat's O'Lady Midnight CD RE ADC SGCD FDCh CGN HIC
Cohen is a dog of many talents and I lover her to bits. She came from Cheynat in 2009 and I didn't know what was in store for me. She was a very active puppy, and I had to work hard to keep up with her. From day one she was frighteningly intelligent and soaked up everything you taught her like a sponge-I'd never met another puuppy like her.In recent years she has calmed downa bit, but her desire to play and learn are stronger then ever. She excels in sports and competes in agility, obedience, rally and flyball. she performs in front of thousands of people with SuperDogs at venues like the Canadian national Exhibition and on live television. She's also a caine actorr and model and has been featured in advertisements both online and on television.
And when the dust settles, she's lounging with me on the couch, content to just be close. She's a wonderful little dog and I want to thank Leslie and the Cheynat gang for bringing her to me.

Cheynat's Mischief Managed
I fell in love with Australian Shepherds when I was very young and have been waiting to bring one into my life for over 10 years. After I graduated college I finally was in a place to purchase the dog of my dreams and could not have found a more perfect dog or breeder then my Kai and the lovely family at Cheynat Reg'd. Kai was the dog I was waiting for and has become the best friend I was looking for. She's taught me so much in the months I've had her and I imagine will continue to teach me in the years to come. She's given me the unconditional love and loyalty I'm convinced only Aussie's can give. She goes everywhere she can with me and I wouldn't have it any other way. Beyond being my right hand girl she's has become a well mannered doggy citizen. Passing her obedience class in first place. She's also become an active member of the St Johns Ambulance Therapy Dog program and visits hospitals and old age facilities alongside her older sister. This summer we look forward to starting agility training as she has energy to burn!
Thank you so much to Leslie and her family, human and canine for bringing this wonderful girl into my life! I look forward to the bigger and better things to come! Also to adding another Aussie to the family in the future! This breed has stolen my heart!
Much Love,
Alyssa McKean and Cheynat's Mischief Managed a.k.a Kai

Cheynat's Carbon Super Sport

Happy customers become repeat customers and we're certainly one happy family being that our Cheynat experience has repeated itself 4 times. Our first Aussie Miranda came many years ago and was from one of Cheynat's earliest litters almost 15 years ago. Our most recent addition to our family is a product of a 2008 litter so our Aussie experience spans over a decade with Cheynat Australian Shepherds.
I've been lucky enough to pick up the phone and call Leslie with a "puppy need" and be able to go for a visit and pick out a pup and just wait for him to be ready to come home with me. I've also been lucky enough to be on a waiting list and get that special call or email that puppies were born and I photos will be arriving soon. Always professional, and always thinking of the pup and the customer.
Dogs in general are always uniquely different in personality but one constant we have found with our Cheynat Aussies is that they are consistently quality animals in temperament and disposition, and very sound throughout their lives. Soundness in very active dogs simply tells you that they are conformationally correct and very resilient.
One of the main reasons we are repeat customers is that we know the environment that the puppies are raised in. The dogs are a part of the family and raised in a family environment being exposed to real life situations. Each pup we have added to our family comes fully armed with the very best health care and meticulous records, family history, a binder full of family photos and pedigrees not to mention a very personal touch in that each pup has a puppy care kit complete with food, toys and even bowls.
Four Aussies in over ten years doesn't make us dog experts by any means, but certainly makes us experts on the quality of Australian Shepherds that we've welcomed into our home from Cheynat. And will again.
Carbon is the ultimate little clown in so many ways. He simply loves everybody and everything and just the word "ice cream" makes him dive for the spoon drawer! A brilliant dog whose likeness and character is used as a mascot for RaceTalkRadio.com complete with his own commercials and clothing line for humans. Loved and adored by all who meet him. His favorite places are either in bed watching tv, or on the couch watching tv upon invitation!

Our youngest at the moment and one pup who moved in and just took over. At only 6 months he decided that he would be our ultimate guard dog by guarding all the doors, gates, chairs, you name it. He simply dotes on Carbon, cleaning his eyes and ears and would do absolutely anything for any one of us. Not only is he a guard dog in the making but is also our next "clown" act as Carbon is and loves nothing more than to make us laugh and have fun. A joy to have and now that he's bigger, will be an even better bed warmer in the cold months.
Cheynat's Racer Dog Ranger

Cheynat's Riverdale Harlequin
March 2010
Hi Leslie (and all the other lovely people and pups at Cheynat),
As we are coming up on two fantastic months with our amazing Cheynat pup Harley, we thought we would write just to let you know how well she's doing, and how much we are enjoying her. Harley is affectionate, smart, trainable, athletic, precocious and incredibly entertaining! She has become a favorite in our neighborhood, and loves every person and dog she meets. We are just so thankful to you for bringing this amazing dog into our lives - she is everything we could have wished for. We have attached some photos so that you can see how much she has changed and grown.
We hope this finds you all happy and healthy. Thank you, again!

Cheynat's Stellar Performance
We purchased Cheynat's Stellar Performance from Cheynat in July of 2008 when she was 5 months old. She is the third Aussie we have owned and we are thrilled with her. The good breeding really comes through and shows in her attitude and every day behaviour. Stellar has an innate ability to be good – she really tries to do everything you want her to do. We spend a lot of time at horse shows and Stellar is always the star of the show, sitting on her beloved golf cart and greeting all her friends – human and canine. Stellar is friendly to all – she loves all dogs and people. Her favourite pass time it to watch TV - preferably Animal channel, cartoons or anything with kids.
She is a delightful companion and a great friend.
Thanks Cheynat !
Barbara Mitchell and John Taylor
CornerStone Farms.

Cheynat's Ivy League
Cheynat's Guiding River
Cheynat's Blu Maiden

We were looking online for a reliable Australian breeder after just losing our 6th Aussie. It was "Tyson" on Cheynat's web site that prompted us to investigate further.
What a great experience that inquiry has turned out to be. We are now a lucky family that is owned by 3 Cheynat girls.
Leslie has made it all so easy and her experience and knowledge makes the new ownership go so smoothly. She really makes sure the puppies suit the family.
Our girls age from 2.5 years to 5. They all are smart - that goes without saying yet they are all unique.
Jodi (Tyson and Mia) is BEAUTIFUL ,a clone of Tyson but she is low energy, laid back and enjoys her couch as well as her walks.
Ivy(Icarus and Eve) is all fun and games with LOTS of energy and she is the entertainer of the group, also the peacemaker. She is the serious swimmer of the group.
River (Sam and Ringer) is our newest family member and she was brought back to Cheynat with what her previous owner thought were insurmountable obstacles including allergies. Turns out there are no allergies and she is a perfect playmate for Ivy. She is very affectionate and loves her new "forever "home. Very smart girl.

Cheynat's Roxy is a Little Foxy
November 2014
Looking for the perfect puppy is a job. I looked at so many different breeds. The Australian Sheppard stole my heart. I found Cheynat Aussies online a couple of years ago and was sold. Roxy is one of these puppies. She is such a wonderful dog in so many ways. She is so smart, so energetic, and yet at the same time so gentle and so sweet. I initially taught her to sit beside me before we left or entered the house. Now she sits on command and waits when I put down her food, or a treat, or any other reason until I give her the OK. We are going for a couple of private lessons next week and I can hardly wait to see what she will learn next. We adore this little girl and I believe she is a true testament to the care in breeding practices that are followed at Cheynat. I have always thought their puppies were such beautiful representatives of their breed and now I know they also live up to all of their other promises. We are so happy!

Cheynat's Ms Maggie Maguire

Cheynat's Madison Merlot
November 2014
I found Leslie Edwards and the Cheynat Australian Shepherds doing a google search a few years ago. I have seen many of her pups on this very website and have always been impressed. So impressed that I filled out her application way before my story begins.
Leslie has been great at keeping me updated on litters and I was interested in a couple of older dogs she homed at one point. It just wasn’t meant to be for me. This past August, my 8 month old Aussie pup
(from another breeder)
died of an autoimmune disease. I was devastated. My friend and a dog trainer advised me to get my head back in the game. Go find another pup.
Well I found two! Two amazing pups were born to Desi and Sinner on August the 18th 2014.
There are no words to describe the beautiful pups that are warming my feet right now (every Aussie needs a job and I needed new slippers). I have been in love with the breed since my first Aussie 18 years ago. I have two other dogs right now as well. (We are an Aussie obsessed family)
Since Day One these girls have “wow’d” me. I was unable to get to Ontario as planned so Leslie took the time and effort to fly the girls to Nova Scotia so I could pick up there. I had only met my girls through emails and pictures. (But I was already in love with them back then just didn’t know it) My new additions arrived safely as scheduled and as I walked into the WestJet office, they started to bark at me! (I was told that neither one had made a sound the entire time until then). And it was then that I was completely 100 per cent sure that this was meant to be…. Kismet. Within the first 24 hours the pups exceeded my expectations. The transition into our family was seamless.
I were to describe Madison and Mcquire I would have to say that they are gorgeous beyond beautiful, highly intelligent, inquisitive and athletic and each one has their own individual personality. Maddi is mischievous and Maggie is my independent thinker. Nothing fazes Maddi. Maggie is the sensitive one. Both are quite the conversationalists. The girls came to me on October 20th and on the second day they bolted out the door with the other dogs and attempted to play ball in the yard. Both pups were immediately and totally accepted by my older dogs, Angel Eyes and Chocolate Chip.
On October 23rd here are some excerpts I wrote to Leslie in an email:
It has been an educational day for the girls thus far.
First lesson: The central vac will try and suck up your dog toys and it makes loud noises. Solution to loud noises and disappearing toys: Gather the rest and deposit inside kennel for later use, lie on top of toys and wiggle butt cutely when the hose goes by. If you close your eyes it will go away because you will have fallen asleep while dust bunnies are disappearing!
Second lesson: Another type of hose is the garden hose that can fill up water bowls outside. It is important not to stick your entire head under the hose nozzle while bowl is being filled. Solution: Bark in protest, really, really loud so the nozzle knows you are very unhappy with it. Shake head fervently and rest of body until the shake reaches the stub. Do twice if necessary. Then respectfully wait while the bowls are being filled and placed in a safe area away from the offending hose. Drink happily!
Third lesson: What if my new Mom is in the shower and I have to pee? Solution: Run to the backdoor and bark until you get noticed. If no response in 2 minutes (The time for a housecoat to be put on) threaten to squat on the floor. Quickest way to get some action.
Forth lesson: Toys are really fun but it is important not to try to take a favorite toy away from the big dog or I will find a paw holding me down and the toy taken away. Solution: Remember the rule that all toys are not the puppy’s toys: some are for the big dogs and ownership issue needs to be respected. (No pup was injured in the return of the toy)
Both girls are doing really well. We are bonding. They are looking for attention from me now instead of me going to them. This morning Maddi napped on my lap with Maggie with her head on my sheep skin slipper while I read for awhile.
We had an awesome night too. No accidents in the kennel again. We went pee atmidnight in the pouring rain and got a body rub after. But at 630 this morning they waited to go out. They let me know though.
And this morning I was having breakfast at the table and the water bowl went empty. They sat by the kitchen sink. And when I did not respond fast enough they jumped up on the cupboard. I am being trained too...lol!
They are amazing dogs. So happy I have them. My life was missing something 'til now!”
These pups are funny and quirky, full of life and they have brought such joy into my life. Training has been so easy and at 12 weeks they already knew their basic commands and have an amazing recall. (Did I mention that they are potty trained too?) Kennel training was interesting because apparently Maggie and Maddi feel that latches are meant to be opened. Two different kennels and two different latches. (Yes they are that smart) The kennel is now the quiet zone for napping, but boundaries have never been an issue inside the house or outside. (But I also have that added security of knowing that they are chipped). I am so looking forward to doing obedience and agility with the Amazing Maggie and Magnificent Maddi.
And my biggest concern was dogs and children. The pups love my grandsons (8 years and 15 months). The pups responded amazingly well to Connor as he can be very loud at times and babies can be rough, The butts wiggle wildly when Connor walks into the room or comes home from school. The pups are so gentle with the youngest.
I love these girls with their head tilts, tickle spots and wiggle butts. I thank Leslie from the bottom of my heart for the chance to be owned by such wonderful dogs. (You can never own an Aussie) Her care and devotion to the breed is evident in the quality of these girls from their health, conformation and personality to their socialization.
Leslie is a breeder who truly cares!

If you would like to add to our testimonial page please drop us a line and a couple of pictures and we will gladly add it to our page. Thanks to all the Cheynat puppy owners who make breeding enjoyable and worthy. You guys are great. Keep up the great work with your Aussies.